Its been three months of good life since my last update, a time in which I continue to ride the undulating tides of oncologic ambiguity.

The good

Over the past few months, I’ve been fortunate to enjoy some truly wonderful moments getting out and enjoying new things, catching-up with friends and spending time just doing fun things.

I have taken on the challenge of finding things that make life good while dealing with the restrictions of not being able to eat or drink, the tiredness and the need to manage dribbling and talking. Overall its been a fun journey.

Some highlights along the way have been; A 7 day trip to NZ to see friends, The girls name day and Greek Easter celebration, The Jazz festival at the Sydney conservatorium of music, 4 comedy festival events, Family challenges at Ten Pin Bowling and Mini Golf, First ever Rugby game with Zoe, Several midday movies, Death of a Salesman, Vivid and many dinners and catch-ups with Friends.

On top of that have work wise had some chance to focus on getting things working better and moved things forward.

The not so good

However, life has also presented some challenges some minor like being being sick with a virus for a few weeks, worrying with side effects from Immunotherapy giving me diarrhoea and fatigue from colitis for 20 days meaning I needed to take a huge dose of Steroids to resolve which also reversed the therapy and now most recently concerning with Mr Surgeon discovering something that could or could not be cancer.

Currently I am in a period of uncertainty, I am scheduled for a minor operation on 17th June to remove the “concerning something” and have a biopsy. During that time my Oncology team will be looking into how I am recovering from the colitis, the biopsy and PET scan results and decide on next steps with any therapy options.

Thank you for your continuous support and understanding.

I’ll be sure to keep you updated as I learn more.
