my journey

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Welcome to my website! Join me on this wild ride called life, where I’m currently navigating a period of cancer treatment and recovery which I am trying to do by being proactive and staying positive.

September Update

September Update

The Health

The month started off with great news on the Cancer front with my tests showing that was NED (no evidence of disease) and continued on the 17th when I had an infusion of infliximab to bring the Colitis under control, however on this although initial reaction was positive, one infusion was not...

Alone time – Blue Mountains

Alone time – Blue Mountains

  • September 16, 2024
  • by
Blue Mountains

At least once per month I try to get away by myself for 48hrs on September 12 I headed off to the Blue Mountains.


Time from Sydney: 2 1/2 hrs by Car

Stayed at: Mountain Heritage Hotel

Activities done:

Walk – Three Sisters

Walk – Katoomba Station to...

August Update

August Update

  • September 02, 2024
  • by

Apart from a late night 6 hour trip to emergency to get my tube changed after it became blocked, August has been a rather uneventful, yet full of new things.

My focus has really been to get mind and body in the best possible position to keep Cancer at bay especially since I am currently not...

July Update

July Update

The personal

With the Doctors giving me the all clear I headed off to Greece to my happy place Kastania for a month. The first week I was in the village without the family and then Kirsten and the girls arrived.

Its incredible how 35 degrees day, a siesta in a dark quiet room, the country air...

Quick update on last post

Quick update on last post

Just a quick update on my last post.

Had great news from my operation on Monday that the concerning something in my throat is not cancer which is a massive relief.

I am still having some issues with Colitis from the Immunotherapy so the team has decided that I will stop Immunotherapy treatment for the next 5...

June 2024 update

June 2024 update

Its been three months of good life since my last update, a time in which I continue to ride the undulating tides of oncologic ambiguity.

The good

Over the past few months, I’ve been fortunate to enjoy some truly wonderful moments getting out and enjoying new things, catching-up with friends and spending time just doing fun things.


March 2024 quick update

March 2024 quick update

A quick update to say that things are going well. On Thursday I completed by 2nd round of Immunotherapy only, the side affects keep my lying low for a couple of days after the infusion but from then on I feel good.

Cancer is staying at bay, the last PET and CT scans showed all was...

February 2024 is a new beginning

February 2024 is a new beginning

I have now completed my 6th round of my special Chemo / Immunotherapy combination and will be moving forward with an Immunotherapy only treatment plan for the next 12 – 24 months which for me is great news. Over the coming weeks there is still a number of health things going on with another PET...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Well a New Year is here, and my simple goal for the year is to-do everything I can to increase my odds in the struggle against Cancer.

As Christmas was the third week of my Chemo Cycle it meant that I was looking forward to feeling pretty normal and spending quality time with family and friends....

Onto the 4th round with Great News

Onto the 4th round with Great News

Onto the 4th round already, just two more to go and then likely immunotherapy for a year.

The great news is that after a PET scan and reviews by my Surgeon and Oncologist they found the PET scan to be clear of cancer which is absolutely fantastic. That does not mean the end of the treatment...

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