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Posts for Review Category
review – Boxer email client for iPad

review – Boxer email client for iPad

Been using the Boxer email client on the iPad for a week now and recommend it as a replacement to using the standard email client that comes with iOS.

These are what I think you will like.
– Works well with both Outlook and Gmail
– can create folders that connect across you different accounts
– you can make the swipe to the left and right work for you
– you can make it default to using Chrome as the default browser
– seamless integration with Evernote
– it remembers where you are filing emails...

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review – ZAGG Slim Book

review – ZAGG Slim Book

Got the ZAGG Slim Book for Ipad Air 2 today from Cuzin. Being a gadget freak always excited to get some new hardware.

This is what I like so far.
– Packaging was great came ready to go and felt like I had purchased the right kit

– It is a stable platform to type from and...

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What a great Wallet.

What a great Wallet.

I came across this wallet while browsing the web.  Its a great simple solution to an annoying problem for those me that carry wallets.

From an ecommerce perspective brilliantly executed, simple design, great product information supported by well crafted video.

If you want to know more on what I am talking about, check out the website or watch this...

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Book Review – Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days

Book Review – Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days

Founders at Work is a collection of interviews with founders of some of the largest and most interesting technology companies including Steve Wozniak from Apple, Max Levchin from PayPal, Mitch Kapor from Lotus and Caterina Fake from Flickr.

It is absolutely fascinating to see how some of the most famous tech businesses got started and...

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initial iPad thoughts

initial iPad thoughts

So the Apple iPad has been released!

What I like from what I see so far!

The price:- for a bit of good looking equipment with the  features it contains I think the entry price is good.  Although  an additional 48 gigs of storage $330 seems a bit steep.

iBooks: It is fantastic that Apple are...

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