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Posts for Personal Updates Category

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February Update

February Update

The Health

February was a relatively straightforward month health-wise. After undergoing immunotherapy and colitis treatment on January 30th, I recovered reasonably well, though I had to manage some stomach cramps, reflux, and lingering lethargy.

On February 20th, I had another round of immunotherapy—this time without the colitis treatment. The recovery process was much quicker; however, the colitis unfortunately returned, and a significant portion of the month was spent addressing that challenge.

On a brighter note, I had an encouraging meeting with my surgeon on February 26th, which confirmed there were no signs of cancer this month. A...

January Update

January Update


January was a rollercoaster of highs and lows. It began on a high note with fantastic New Year celebrations in New Zealand, but things took a downturn as the month progressed. After struggling significantly following my treatment on the 9th, I found myself battling COVID-19. This led to a rough period, including a...

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December Update

December Update

The Health

December was really a month of trying to focus on the glass half full as opposed to half empty 🙂

Obviously, being diagnosed with cancer again, having an operation that took a bit more to recover from than I expected, and then both immunotherapy and colitis infusions, it was all a bit to process.

The overwhelming...

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Treatment Update

Treatment Update

Treatment Plan Update

Putting together my treatment plan involved the coordination of my ENT surgeon, Oncologist, IBS doctors, and the St Vincent’s Ambulatory care team. It’s a powerful reminder of how incredibly fortunate I am to have such an amazing team supporting me in my challenge with cancer. Their expertise and the way they work as...

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November Update

November Update

The Health

Apart from the Colitis I have been feeling well, but things started to feel a bit weird mid month. On 20 November I spat up some blood which caused me concern and then on 26 November my surgeon confirmed there was something unusual.

As a result of this my PET...

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October Update

October Update

The Health

Not much to report. Colitis has continued to be an issue with a few scans, tests, and infusions. As I write this, it is under control. I am still on 12mg of steroids a day and remain off immunotherapy. On the positive front, I had a successful check-up with my surgeon and have generally...

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September Update

September Update

The Health

The month started off with great news on the Cancer front with my tests showing that was NED (no evidence of disease) and continued on the 17th when I had an infusion of infliximab to bring the Colitis under control, however on this although initial reaction was positive, one infusion was not...

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August Update

August Update

  • September 02, 2024
  • by

Apart from a late night 6 hour trip to emergency to get my tube changed after it became blocked, August has been a rather uneventful, yet full of new things.

My focus has really been to get mind and body in the best possible position to keep Cancer at bay especially since I am currently not...

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July Update

July Update

The personal

With the Doctors giving me the all clear I headed off to Greece to my happy place Kastania for a month. The first week I was in the village without the family and then Kirsten and the girls arrived.

Its incredible how 35 degrees day, a siesta in a dark quiet room, the country air...

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Quick update on last post

Quick update on last post

Just a quick update on my last post.

Had great news from my operation on Monday that the concerning something in my throat is not cancer which is a massive relief.

I am still having some issues with Colitis from the Immunotherapy so the team has decided that I will stop Immunotherapy treatment for the next 5...

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