my journey through life

August Update

  • September 02, 2024
  • by

Apart from a late night 6 hour trip to emergency to get my tube changed after it became blocked, August has been a rather uneventful, yet full of new things.

My focus has really been to get mind and body in the best possible position to keep Cancer at bay especially since I am currently not able to continue with Immunotherapy at the moment as my Colitis is not under control like it needs to be and is a cause of much frustration.

I have implemented a daily routine that involves focusing on diet, sleep, exercise and stress reduction.  That’s going well and although I am not where I want to be am well on my way.

I have also implemented some weekly goals to help on the mental side of things to ensure I spend time with people, have quality time with the family and spend time alone.

These goals have led to some highlights like Friday night hangout with friends, Jazz night at Lazybones, trip to Korean barbeque, seeing Zoe in her Drama and Opera house performances, celebrating Lexi’s birthday, a jazz night at the rocks with Lexi and Jamie, Firepit night, a few days away at Lennox Head and an evening at the festival of dangerous ideas.

The first week of September will be a very apprehensive week as I undergoing a number of important tests and reviews.  These will both determine my current status and what my treatment plan will look like for the coming months.



Tests went very well.

Got the all clear so relieved about that. Not putting me back on the immunotherapy unless situation changes and will continue to be doing PET scans every 3 months and Surgeon Scopes between that (so checked every 6 weeks) to check. They have confirmed if situation changes then they would put me back on immunotherapy so that’s good.

Still have Colitis and will be having some infusions of some specific drugs to resolve this in a few weeks after some more detailed test results come back.

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    2nd Sep 2024 - 8:52 am

    Glad to hear you are in good spirits. Take care and enjoy the moments. X

    Simon Upperton

    3rd Sep 2024 - 3:19 pm

    All the best with the tests Spiros.


    4th Sep 2024 - 12:10 pm

    Thinking of you and sending our love. Valda and Des Ritchie


    5th Sep 2024 - 1:27 am

    Thanks for the update on how you are doing Spiros. Sending lots of positive vibes and strengths ❤️ hugs to you and KP and the girls! Happy Belated birthday to Lexi! 🎉🥳

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