
Greekology – what is this about

In the challenge of removing and keeping Cancer out of my life it became clear to me that those who win such challenges have a strong belief system,  for many that is some sort of God, Religion or Practice.

I wanted to form such a belief system that would work for someone in my situation, living in the modern world with all the benefits and negatives that this world presents.

The basis of Greekology is that values and life rules will fulfil your life and prepare you for whatever is next.

The rules that make up Greekology are a work in progress and encourage anybody to read and challenge me on the principles I have presented.


The 5 Standing Pillars of Greekology are.

  1. Sleep and Energy are central to living life well.
  2. Life is about uplifting moments and not consistent happiness.
  3. Happiness is working towards moments and realising them when they happen.
  4. Choose wisely those you draw energy from.
  5. Live today, plan for tomorrow, think about next week, hypothesise about next month, imagine the future


Over the coming months I will share more…


Alone time – Blue Mountains

Alone time – Blue Mountains

  • September 16, 2024
  • by
Blue Mountains

At least once per month I try to get away by myself for 48hrs on September 12 I headed off to the Blue Mountains.


Time from Sydney: 2 1/2 hrs by Car

Stayed at: Mountain Heritage Hotel

Activities done:

Walk – Three Sisters

Walk – Katoomba Station to...
