Nothing funny in my post today so I thought I should start off with a bad cancer joke

“I’ve just been diagnosed with a tumour. I was horrified at first, but it’s starting to grow on me”

Anyway yesterday after a rocky start was a good day. Managed to eat some mashed potato, got a lot of rest and although I didn’t get much sleep at least managed to have a relatively pain free evening.

This morning went to the dentist and he confirmed I had some significant gum disease that will need to manage through radiation therapy, I will have a follow-up appointment on Thursday to help with that situation.

Today is again about pushing for my four short-term goals:

• Stop waking up at 3 am in the morning and needing Morphine or the equivalent – Failed

• Sleep longer periods than my 6 week old which is 5 hours – Failed

• Consume more than 2800 calories in a day – not got past 1000 cal yet

• Be able to take a 20 minute light walk without being exhausted – REACHED!

Anyone wanting to come and say hi please feel free to-do so.

Until the next one… 
